Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jethro Tull in concert(s)

"My name is Arnold Stirrup...really don't mind if you sit this one out..."

Saturday, October 21, 2017

"Walk Right In, Sit Right Down" from 1962

It's 1962, and I hear this folk tune with a high female soprano and chunky 12-string guitar. And it's the second part that gets me: the rich deep resonation of the instrument's depth and vibration. It hooked me on 12-string tunes and instrumentalists and musicians who played it. 

Just "Walk Right In" and let your mind roll on--which was the forerunner in my mind for "Tune in, turn on, and drop out" a few years later. Oh well--just groove on that butch flat top crew cut, fellas, and remember: that's why we grew our hair long. Dedicated to my musical brother from FB, Mark Breedlove. Oh, and the studio version has a much nicer and longer guitar break. Those guys were having fun.